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The Picture Frame XX

"The Picture Frame"

I was this Picture frame Hanging..

And Waiting to be filled.

Then suddenly, You came.. And gave me a piece of paper.

and there I saw an unfinished sketch.

It shows strong strokes that amazed me.

your eagerness shows..

You got the skill and potential.

as you continue to draw..

I can see that you've improved.

I can feel your passion As I hear your soul hymns a song

It made me think that maybe your paper could fill

the hollow space of mine..

So I let you to gain points like you wished..

and there I can see more outstanding efforts.

I see that you're happy as you balter while adding another lines.

I can see your persistence and perseverance..

You're trying so hard.

so hard that the time is slowly skipping and messing up the tune.

maybe the timing isn't beating for our hearts or fate.

Not now. Not today. and Maybe Not tomorrow.

you left me.. with an unfinished sketch..

I was confused so I asked myself,

"Should I color it?" for maybe you leave it to me for a reason.

An acceptable reason. but come to think of it..

how can I color this? was it intended to be this way?

unfinished? undone? or is it done ?

and I am the only one thinking that it's not? but where is the sign?

I am not that creative nor artsy to understand this.

I need an answer. but wait,

What answer do I need? an explanation perhaps?

but why do I need to hear it when the sketch says it all?

Did i missed an important point?

Then, show me. coz' It doesn't make sense at all.

The reason doesn't make sense..

please, make it clearer nexttime so I (or anyone/anybody) won't miss it.

so while thinking.. I'd still consider painting your paper.

(Only if you'd ask me to..)

but this time it will not be the same as we pictured..

it's not gonna be the same as what you're thinking of.

nor I was thinking when I started to think

That I'll be coloring this.

It won't happen anymore.

It will never be. thats how I am feeling now.

Its just that maybe, we didn't photographed the same visual.

cause, when I started to look at it again. the sketch I saw was different.

I saw elements that was never there before.

"Where did this came from?" I asked myself out of confusion..

It seems like it wasn't drawn to be there for me.

It wasn't just because it's not the fruitful taste of my style

but maybe it actually wasn't made for me.

Maybe, I am not a good observant and I am only

looking at the picture as a whole..

Maybe I was enchanted for a moment.

And was waiting for you to show me the

last piece of what you've started..

maybe I've been indulged with so much naz.

because as I know you..

I learned that you got that strong will to achieve

the things that you want. but

Maybe I am wrong.

Maybe I WAS wrong.

Maybe I shouldn't let you hand that

piece of paper to me. hmm..Maybe?

so Instead of coloring it, I erased all the parts that wasn't there before.

As I erase the minor strokes, It affected the strong ones..

and to my surprise,

that leaves your paper empty.

When I tried to put it on to see if it fits,

My frame.

Again I was shocked 'coz it doesn't..

Its small.. Too small to be large.

(Yes, it doesn't makes sense.)

So, I am giving it back to you.

As I give your paper ..

I am giving your life back. your ability to choose.

your ability to be wise. your ability to create new ones..

and that does not include me.

No. not anymore.

you're on your own.

We all know that the last phase of Apologizing

doesn't end with sorry alone.. It ends with..

" I will not do it again. And what can I do to make you fell better."

Some may have forgotten this part. like what I told to you.

So Please.. Don't do this again. Not to me.

Not to anyone. Nobody deserves to be treated that way.

No matter how Good or Bad That person is.

It feels like you lack at doing things into action.

You told me lots of things that you plan to do.

Lets say that Verbs are action words

And I got lots of action words from you.

but verbs are just words until you actually do it.

I think I've made myself clear with this Right from the start.

Stop the empty promises.

don't do anything just because I told you

or anyone tells you what to do or say things to you.

at the end of the day it's still your choice.

Its for you to decide..

so don't blame others for saying things at you.

I am not saying this for you to comeback.

I hope you won't..

Don't pursue me just because I told you,

I almost gave you a chance. but I want to remind you that,

right from that moment,

when you left me that piece of paper.

With an unfinished meraki.

you blew the pieces of shredded remains of my Wasted eraser in it.

You blew something that is important to me.

and you cannot bring it back. even I can't bring it back.

Learn from your mistakes.

that's the only way you can finish making your obra maestra.

and In time though its not me..

Make me proud. by creating your masterpiece art to life.

with your signiture in it As a proof that you've finally...

Finished it.

I want you to know that I don't want to carry

anything related from this again so

I am forgiving you now and I am still glad this happened beforehand..

I just can't assure that I will forget this ..

coz' I will not. unless I bumped my head real hard.

so bad that I'll forget everything even my name.

still, after this..

I can be your friend ..

Yes, its all I can offer to you. After what happened..

At least, I won't take that away from you.

and for the sake of friendship..

I want you to fix yourself.

So you won't fail..again.. next time.

Don't be afraid of failing,

You can always start again.

Like the way I picked myself up from where You left me.

All you need is a courage to start again.

So gather all that you can get.

The more the better..

Change for the best. Help your self..

I hope it doesn't come in so fast again.

So fast that you've slipped me out from your fingers..

just because your hands are full.

That silly reason of yours..

Try to grab things that fits right Through your palm..

Having too much can also Lead to a bad side effect.

So try to measure.. oh no, Just measure the right amount.

You're the only one who can control your hands And life.

Take your time.. Rushing isn't the best choice.

Life still goes on. In this process I want you to think It through.

Don't decide too early Or too late.

For you might be losing not just me

But your chance to start again with someone.

but now..

forgive me too if I can't accept the same paper twice.

For I can still see the marks that was left in it.

I won't be burned by the same flame twice.

I am being careful.

I need to be careful.

Im afraid half of my eraser was burnt through scorching.

And I dont know how to put the wasted ashes

Back together to its usual form like before

I think i might have to create a new one..

I dont know if it will be worth the effort.

I don't know if it'll work the same or will it work much

better that I think it would.

I don't know but Im giving myself a chance.

So now As I think of a solution..

I'll be reserving this half that was left on me

for the ones who'll truly deserve the heat.

and lastly,

Do me and yourself a favor..

Lets end this with this..

Please Don't Choose me.. for I wont choose you anymore.

- 임 할리


Based on Real Life Expi.

The kind of Experience

That I don't wanna encounter

Ever Again.

Lesson Really Learned.. (PART 1)


happy reading! <3

Stay Healthy, Beautiful and Blessed!

Spread the love! share a smile.

Have a haoppyday!


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