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Lost Love

Have you ever felt that you're falling OUT of love with someone?

Someone whom you thought you found but is actually destined to be lost..

That One day, You just woke up.. Feeling Nothing but Exhausted.

And you feel like you can't breathe. Having doubts..

Its Never Easy to Let Go.

Its Actually Harder to part ways with someone that has been

registered to your VIP system in everyday basis..

you're afraid that you'll hurt that person but you know it deep in yourself

that your feelings are slowly drifting apart....

was this about pleasing and just staying ? Denying?

I thought the Idea of Falling out of love would be pathetic..

I always believed in the power of love and that you could

always make things work for the both of you...

I know myself well.. I have lotsssss of Patience.

I endure things as much as possible..

I know whether I am still happy or forcing myself to be happy.

But the person I saw as I look at the mirror is not the girl I know anymore.

I can't recognize myself anymore.

I give Chances, not once not twice but as many chances they can get...

"In the midst.. Of relationship. "

'Coz I'd like to tell my concerns right away..

And that for me is their chance..

Its either you take it or not.

And As long as I am fighting I'll keep holding on.

'Coz once its done. Its done.

I can Play, but I cannot And Will not Replay..

And when I decided to put an end.. A period to every statements.

That is really it is. That's how far I can stand by your side.

I know my worth.. The worth that you can't see.

I know Its Unfair, but Isn't more Unfair to stay when

you're not happy and completely done?

And when you know to yourself that it is slowly destroying you.

Love might be selfish at times but Love can't be self destructive..

yes, it's true.

Asan nga ba ako? Andyan pa ba saiyo?

It just came to the point where in

I don't know where everything is leading me..

Should I keep on asking the reflection of myself on the mirror?

Is it still worth it? Will it be the same as before?

I can't have a comparison without needing it..

Without feeling that something has changed.

Something isn't right.. Its not just the feelings.. But the whole me..

Everytime I glance at myself, I can feel like its a stranger..

I can't recognize myself anymore..

Maybe I changed, You Changed.. We changed.

Maybe we pushed each other to change..

Into someone we thought is good enough to fill the empty spaces..

I don't wanna live in a love that has been a lie.

A love that is forcing me to love someone when

its leading me to hate that person more..

Which makes me sad. I don't want to hate you.

I don't wanna stay in a relationship were in we'll ask who and why or what happened.

When we both know both of us is at fault.

Its also hard to accept that we failed.

From the battles that we won together..

To a stage where in the contenders are YOU and I.

Which is the battle for our Love.. Its not just me or you being lost..

Its Us..

its our

Lost Love.

---- Thank you for dropping by. 💙 Stay healthy, happy and blessed!! Spread the love. Share a smile! Have a haoppydays!





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